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bendalah ni banyak kali kuar frenster..ish..tetibe rase nk paste kat sini, sbb die ade kene mengene dgn mata aku skrg..asal lah asyik nyot² jer dlm 2/3 ari nih, arap² bende baik berlaku la..ade sesiape nk dtg melawat aku ker nih? ker ade perkara menyedihkan kat mesia.. hmm.. papepun, voici bendalah tu :
If U look into the eyes of the one U love,
U blush
But if U look into the eyes of the one U like,
U smile =)
In front of the person U love,
U CANNOT say everything in Ur mind,
But in front of the person the U like,
In front of the person U love,
U tend to get shy
But in front of the person U like,
U can show Ur ownself
The person U love comes to mind every 2 minutes
and U can't look straight into the eyes of the one U love,
But U can always smile into the eyes of the one U like
When the one U love is crying,
U cry with him/her/them
But when the one U like is crying,
U end up comforting
The feeling of LOVE starts from the EYES
But the feeling of LIKE starts from the EARS
So if U stop to like a person u used to LIKE,
All u need is to COVER UR EARS
But, if U try to CLOSE UR EYES,
Love turns into tear drops
And remains in Ur heart forever after....
(yo yo jer bendalah nih , tp ade jer orang dengar perihal someone ni, boleh je jatuh cinta terus..x yah bagi contoh lah kan, rasenye sume org beragama tahu.. kalo aku ikut bende ni, maknenye, aku suke ramai org la gitu, x pernah love org lain la gitu, tp dats wrong !! when i look my mom's eyes, am not blushing pon.. so, teori di atas sama skali menyempang jauh, tp ade betul gak kekadang tuh...hahaha.. bak org kate, lets it comes naturally, mcm citer korea yg comedy romantic tuh... :p)
aaarghh...citer benda lain lak, hah, mcm salah sorng presiden indon pernah kate, letak la cita² itu jauh ke bintang, kalau die jatuh pun, dia akan jatuh kat pokok (lebih kurang gini la bunyi die, aku pun x igt pepatah yg tepat). dulu, dgn poyonye aku mase dtg france ni, nak masuk ecole elite, kononnye senior dulu buat, igt nk beat diorng lah, tp bile dah 'kenal' cara kat sini, terus tak nmpk 'bintang' aku tuh. menyesal ? mestilah sgt² !! tp nk bt mcm mane kan, salah aku. ok, lepas tuh, 'bende' tuh kononnye jatuh kat bulan, skali lg, aku mcm 'tak dapat' jer. fine, aku tahu kesilapan aku ni. so, nak marah² diri aku ? useless kot. satu langkah ke hadapan, satu tapak kaki ditinggalkan kan? papepun, next week, misi mencari 20 aku ;)
skrg ni, aku mengharapkan magic. quand meme je mets des efforts. eh hah, citer alien aku x abes lagi, hmm...nk tgk alien die? ni die, tarraaaahahahaha !!
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